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Each pack can be selected or deselected by default or by the user except is marked hidden or mandatory.


Packs Reference

There are the following possible root elements to define packs:





defines the pack name


takes yes or no and specifies whether the pack must be installed (yes) or is optional (no)


optional. Lets you make the pack targeted to a specific operating system, for instance unix, mac and so on


optional. Lets you choose whether the pack is selected for installation by default or not. Possible values are yes and no. A pack which is not preselected needs to be explicitly selected by the user during installation to get installed


can be used so that the files are not located in the installer Jar. The possible values are true or false, the default being false. The author of this feature needed to put his application on a CD so that the users could run it directly from this media. However, he also wanted to offer them the possibility to install the software localy. Enabling this feature will make IzPack take the files on disk instead of from the installer. Please make sure that your relative files paths are correct!


this attribute is used to give a unique id to the pack to be used for internationalization via packsLang.xml file


this attribute is used to reference a unique resource that represents the pack's image for the ImgPacksPanel. The resource should be defined in the <resources> element of the installation XML using the same value for the id attribute of the <res> element.


an id of a condition which has to be fullfilled to install this package


takes true or false and specifies whether the pack shall be shown in the packs panel. The size of a hidden pack will be used to calculate the required space, but the pack itself won't be shown. A hidden pack can be preselected or selected conditionally. For the latter, you have to specify a condition. The default for this attribute is false.

Nested Elements


<singlefile> - Adding/renaming a Single Pack File

See Pack SingleFile for more details.

<file> - Adding a Set Of Files

See Pack SingleFilePack File for more details.

<fileset> - Adding a Set Of Files With Filtering

See Pack Fileset for more details.

<description> - Adding a Description

The contents of the <description> tag describe the pack contents. This description is displayed if the user highlights the pack during installation.

<depends> -


Defining Dependencies

This can be used to make this pack selectable only to be installed only if some other is selected to be installed. The pack can depend on more than one by specifying more than one <depends> elements. Circular depedencies dependencies are not supported and the compiler reports an error if one occurs.



The name of the pack that this one depends on

<os> - OS



It is possible to restrict a pack to a certain list of operating systems. This tag takes the following attributes:


unix, windows or mac


the exact OS name (ie Windows, Linux, ...)


the exact OS version (see the JVM os.version property)


the machine architecture (see the JVM os.arch property)

<updatecheck> - Cleaning Up After Updates

This feature can update an already installed package, therefore removing superfluous files after an installation. Here's how this feature's author (Tino Schwarze) described it on the IzPack development mailing-list:

Each pack can now specify an <updatecheck> tag. It supports a subset of ant fileset syntax, e.g.Includes and excludes can be defined as filesets, but no file name mappers can be used.


Code Block
  <include name="lib/**" />
  <exclude name="config/local/** />

If the paths are relative, they will be matched relative to $INSTALL_PATH. Update checks are only enabled if at least one <include> is specified. See {{com.izforge.izpack.installer.Unpacker
for details.


is treated as the base path for include/exclude patterns with relative paths.

<parsable> - Parse/Substitute Variables In Installed Files

Files specified by <parsable> are parsed after installation and may have variables substituted.
