
Several panels, such as the license panel, the information and the shortcut panel, require additional data to perform their task.

This data is supplied in the form of resources.

The manual's panel description page lists any resources that the panel needs.

The <resources> element is a child of the <installation> element

Currently, no checks are made to ensure resources needed by any panel have been included.

Here is an example of specifying two resources:

  <res id="" src="doc/readme.txt" parse="yes"/>
  <res id="LicencePanel.licence" src="legal/License.txt"/>

The <resources> contains the <res> elements that identify each resource. The following attributes may be specified:

Please note that in general a resource id is unique.

If you define multiple resources with the same id, the later definition will overwrite the previous definition. This can happen if a resource is defined in a referenced pack-file.

However there is an exception for packsLang.xml_xyz files (see internationalization of the PacksPanel).

If multiple packsLang-files were defined, all files will be merged into a single temporary file. This allows refpack files to provide their own internationalization-information.

The following sample shows a <resources> element in an installation file. It specifies resources required for 2 of the panels.

<installation version="5.0"


  <guiprefs width="800" height="600" resizable="no">

    <res id="" src="doc/readme.txt" parse="yes"/>
    <res id="LicencePanel.licence" src="legal/License.txt"/>

    <panel classname="HelloPanel"/>
    <panel classname="InfoPanel"/>
    <panel classname="LicencePanel"/>
    <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
    <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
    <panel classname="FinishPanel"/>
    <pack name="Core" required="yes">
      <description>The Sample core files.</description>
      <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="doc/readme.txt"/>
      <file targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH" src="legal/License.txt"/>
