Apache Ant integration

IzPack can be easily integrated inside an Ant build process.

You need to have the following prerequisites installed on your local system:

Here is how the Ant build file may look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project name="izpack" default="compile">
  <property name="izpack-dist" value="${user.home}/IzPack"/>
  <property name="izpack-installer" value="setup.jar"/>
  <path id="lib.path">
    <fileset dir="${izpack-dist}/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
  <taskdef name="izpack"
  <target name="compile">
    <echo message="Makes the installer using IzPack to ${izpack-installer}"/>
    <izpack input="${basedir}/src/main/resources/install.xml"
    <echo message="${izpack-installer} created"/>

The above assumes that the IzPack distribution has been installed to ${user.home}/IzPack.

The IzPack task takes the following parameters:

You can find a fully compilable example here:

Using the above example:

It builds an executable installer setup.jar in the working directory.

Embedding the installation file using a config element

Instead of using the 'input' attribute to specify an external installation document, you can embed the installation config as a child of the IzPack task using a config child element with a CDATA section. For example:

<property name="jboss.home.url" value="http://www.jboss.com/" />
<!-- Call IzPack with an embedded install using the config element -->
<IzPack output="${dist.dir}/IzPack-install.jar"
<installation version="1.0">
         <author name="JBoss Inc." email="sales@jboss.com"/>

Property references of the form


are replaced by the associated x ant property if it is defined.