CompareNumerics Condition

CompareNumerics Condition

The CompareNumerics Condition

The CompareNumerics Condition can be used to compare two numerical string/variable.


<condition type="comparenumerics" id="isValidNumber">

The CompareNumerics condition has been introduced in IzPack 5.0.

Nested Elements

The CompareNumerics condition takes three elements : a name, a value and an operator.


This is a mandatory nested element, defining the left numeric value to compare. Any string is allowed, IzPack will try to resolve it as a version string.


This is a mandatory nested element, defining the right numeric value to compare. Any string is allowed, IzPack will try to resolve it as a version string.


This is a mandatory nested element, specifying the comparison operation to apply

Allowed values:

  • eq - check whether both versions are equal (=)
  • ne - check whether both versions differ (not equal) (<>)
  • leq - check whether the left version is less than or equal the right version (<=)
  • lt - check whether the left version is less than the right version (<)
  • geq - check whether the left version is greater than or equal the right version (>=)
  • gt - check whether the left version is greater than the right version (>)