The IzPack revamp comes with more tests which have been used for the refactoring.
New code have been written with unit tests and Integration tests has been made to check the overall sanity of the application.
The integration test execute a compilation of an IzPack installer, load the generated jar in the classpath and execute the installer. When the installer frame appear, a swing robot interact with the interface to realize the installation.
This system allows to launch almost real installation and check live result automatically on several platform.Tests tools
We use fest as the swing robot and testNG in the izpack-test module.Headless execution
It is possible to run graphical tests on a headless environment using Xvfb. Given that you have xvfb installed, you simply need to runCode Block title Maven build using xvfb borderStyle solid
You can also run headless tests from your IDE by starting a Xvfb server and spefcifyingxvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1280x1024x24" $MAVEN_BIN/mvn clean install
Skip graphical tests
If you don't have Xvfb or don't want to run graphical tests, you can use the bamboo profile with maven (use -Pbamboo).
This profile run a special testNG suite excluding all tests using graphical elements.Write a new test