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Developing and contributing

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Blog stream

IzPack 5.0.0 RC1 available
The IzPack team is proud to announce the 1st release candidate of IzPack 5.0.0. Although it is considered quite stable according to the user reports and many automatic unit and integration tests, IzPack 5 still serves the purpose of testing and reporting. Special thanks to all active developers, contributors and users who helped making this version another milestone towards launching the Maven-based IzPack 5.…
IzPack 4.3.4 and IzPack 5.0.0-beta7 released
On behalf of the whole IzPack project http://izpack.org/team, I am pleased to announce the releases of IzPack 4.3.4 and IzPack 5.0.0-beta7. You can download those releases from the IzPack downloads page http://izpack.org/downloads/ and through Maven. All credits for the release of IzPack 4.3.4 should go to Mark Miller who did a significant effort to backport fixes from the 5.0 branch to the aging 4.3 branch. Meanwhile,…
IzPack tutorials in French
Pierre Laporte recently wrote some IzPack http://izpack.org/ tutorials in French: http://www.pingtimeout.fr/2011/04/automatiser-linstallation-dapplications.html http://www.pingtimeout.fr/2011/04/automatiser-linstallation-dapplications.html http://www.pingtimeout.fr/2011/04/automatiser-linstallation-dapplications_21.html http://www.pingtimeout.fr/2011/04/automatiser-linstallation-dapplications_21.html They cover the creation of an IzPack-based installer and its generation from Maven.…

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