Maven modules decomposition
Maven modules decomposition
IzPack is decomposed in several maven modules.
There is an agregator pom in the project root which aggregate all modules and all modules share the same parent.
- izpack-parent : The common parent of all modules. It defines dependencies' version with dependencyManagement, common dependencies and common configuration (like version of java compilation)
- izpack-api : interfaces and global models for IzPack
- izpack-tools : Tools independent of the IzPack API
- izpack-util : Helper methods (IoHelper, OsConstraints...)
- izpack-core : Defines classes shared by the compiler and installer.
- izpack-compiler : Contains logic for the installer compilation.
- izpack-gui : GUI classes as Layout, factories
- izpack-uninstaller : Contains all uninstaller classes
- izpack-panel : Contains all panels
- izpack-native-parent : common parent for native library support
- izpack-event : Containing listener for installation
- izpack-installer : Installer managing launch, unpacking and installation of the installer.
- izpack-dist : Contains all resources for the IzPack self-installer
- izpack-wrapper : Contains izpack2exe, izpack2app, izpack2jnlp
Test modules :
- izpack-test-common : Contain class shared by tests like Matcher and Mocks and Junit custom runner
- izpack-test-listener : Contains InstallerListener and UninstallerListener implementations for testing purposes
- izpack-test : Integration test of IzPack. Execute sample install and compilation
Build Support :
- izpack-maven-plugin : defines the IzPack mojo running IzPack compilation
- izpack-ant : ant task for running IzPack compilation