

The CheckedHelloPanel acts like the HelloPanel, displaying a welcome message including project name, the version, the URL as well as the authors.

For Windows, it also scans the Windows registry for an entry that determines whether the product is already installed. For this purpose, the elements <appname> and <appversion> in the <info> element of the installation definition file, in the for

$appName $appVersion (divided by a space character).

If the product was previously installed, a dialog will be shown which asks whether to install a second version of the product or not.

If you use this panel do not forget to add the COIOSHelper registry feature into your installation, see Windows Registry Access for more details.

See also RegistryInstallerListener / RegistryUninstallerListener for getting an idea how this information in the registry can be created during an IzPack installation and deleted during uninstalling. 


Use the nested <configuration> (see Panels) element to customize the CheckedHelloPanel for your purposes:





If true, the panel will not prompt the user "Are you sure you want to install another entity?".

Since: 5.2.4

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