


A panel to show raw text without formatting.

This can be used for instance to show a 'README' resource. It presents text of any length. 

Since 5.0.7:
For the console installation mode, the info text can be preformatted for displaying using the following features: 

  • Word wrap
    If there are long lines in the text containing more characters than the real terminal width, the text is not broken accidentally at the terminal border, but it is wrapped by words.
    Exception: Single words which are longer than the terminal width are broken at the terminal line end.
  • Paging
    If the info text results in more lines (after the word wrapping mentioned above) than the real terminal height, the text is paged, e.g. there is displayed one page fitting the terminal dimensions and below there is shown a


    line indicating there are more pages of text available. The next page is shown when pressing the SPACE (or any other key) here.


The word wrap and paging feature described above must be activated depending on the format of the info text, they are deactivated by default. 

Panel configuration parameterPossible valuesDefaultDescription
true | false

Set "true" in order to activate word wrapping for the displayed text in console installation mode.

Since: 5.0.7

true | false

Set "true" in order to activate paging for the displayed text in console installation mode.

Since: 5.0.7


Example of install.xml
    <panel classname="InfoPanel" id="panel.info">
        <param name="console-text-paging" value="true" />
        <param name="console-text-wordwrap" value="false" />

The two options work independently on each other. If there are both activated, word wrapping is done before calculating the page size for paging.


InfoPanel.infoThe label to show on the panel. Variable substitution applies here.


InfoPanel.infoText file resource - the text to be shown as panel content.


The panel id is not taken into account for label nor for the resource. You have to specify InfoPanel.info. The label InfoPanel.info is shared with HTMLInfoPanel & XInfoPanel as well.

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