


Allows the user to select the packs to be installed. This panel also allows grouping of packs. Look at InstallationGroupPanel description to get more details.

IzPack automatically sets reserved variables for each of the packs to be installed:


where <packname> is the name attribute <pack name="..."> of the pack selected. If the pack is selected, the variable is set to true.


The contents of PacksPanel can be translated, in order to present a localized version of the  name and description of the packs.

In order to provide internationalization for the PacksPanel, you have to add a resource packsLang.xml_xyz to the installation descriptor (install.xml) where xyz is the ISO3 code of the language in lowercase.


The installation descriptor (install.xml)
    <res id="packsLang.xml_eng" src="i18n/myPacksLang.xml_eng"/>

The IzPack translation file uses reserved IDs for the single translation items.

For translating the short name of the pack use the pack name as the id attribute of each translation item. For translating a pack description use the pack name suffixed by .description as the translation item key.


The packsLang.xml_eng file referred by the according resource ID
    <str id="myApplicationPack" txt="Main Application"/>
    <str id="myApplicationPack.description" txt="A description of my main application package"/>

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