Get in contact

Get in contact

How to get in contact with the users, contributors and the core team.

Be invited to join us.

Web, blog and social networks

There are several possibilities to follow things and people around IzPack:

Mailing lists

There are mailing lists set up at Google Groups. 

Please note in advance that these are real mailing lists and you do not need necessarily an Google account at all to join them, see this support notice.

The existing subscribers have been left and don't probably have to re-subscribe. All existing lists have been left, just the mail addresses change.

In particular, there have been activated the following lists:

If you are not a member of one of the above groups of your interest you may subscribe to them with or without being logged on as Google user on the web interface or by mail. For more help on Google Groups visit the according help center.

Report particular issues or just ideas

You found a praticular bug or you can describe in detail what you'd like to get implemented in IzPack?

Your feedback is iimportant. If you got in trouble using IzPack or developing with IzPack, or if you have a nice idea about a future feature or enhancement, let us know.

The best place to send and discuss well-specified concerns is our issue tracker.

Sign up to our IzPack Atlassian Cloud hosted at izpack.atlassian.net, create JIRA issues for that to record and share this with the community.

Improve the documentation

You'd like to improve or comment the documentation in our Wiki?

Sign up to our IzPack Atlassian Cloud hosted at izpack.atlassian.net and just edit or comment our Wiki directly.

Send code

All you need is in our IzPack repository at Github.

You can touch the source code, translations and even the web site sources there.

Your're welcome to register at Github and send or review pull requests. See our article about how to contribute code changes.

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