Blog from December, 2010

IzPack Devoxx talk now available on Parleys!

The video recording of the IzPack talk recorded at the Devoxx conference is now available on Parleys!

Do not forget to rate it :-)

IzPack 5.0.0-beta5 is here!

I am glad to announce a brand new beta release as we make progress toward IzPack 5.0.0!

This release brings bug fixes, Maven project cleanups / fixes as well as updates on the ini4j code. Another small yet useful change for those using the Maven plugin to build their IzPack installers: the authors section can now be populated from the developers of your POM.

As usual, this release is not production-ready, yet we need your feedback! Thanks for taking a few minutes to:

  1. download IzPack 5.0.0-beta5, and
  2. build your installers against it, and
  3. report problems.

IzPack 5.0.0-beta5 can be downloaded:

Stay tuned for new beta releases soon, as we intend to keep on that pace!

Oh and one last thing: do not forget that you can help us making the final 5.0 release sooner :-)

A list of things you could do to help us...

I have created a page to reference some ideas for helping us, and you don't have to be a developer!

Do not hesitate to pick up a task or two from the list.

Looking forward to your contributions.