Unattended Installations Using Properties

Unattended Installations Using Properties

This feature has been enhanced and replaced in IzPack 5.0.10 by the combined mode using variable default overrides, see Mixed Installation Mode Using Variable Defaults.


IzPack installers can be executed replacing possible user inputs from properties, which can be given either in property files or directly specified on the command line.

  • -options-template <propsfile>
    Generates an empty properties file template whose name is specified as <propsfile>. Does not install anything, but inserts all possible properties to be filled with particular values for an unattended installation, later.
  • -options <propsfile>
    Runs an unattended installation while reading the properties from the properties file specified in <propsfile>.
  • -options-system
    Runs an unattended installation using system properties given on the command line.
  • -options-auto <propsfile>
    Runs an unattended installation while reading the properties from the properties file specified in <propsfile> and overwriting them with particular system properties given on the command line.


java -jar myinstaller.jar -options-template myinstaller.properties

Generates a properties file myinstaller.properties with all user-changeable variables provided by my myinstaller. The property INSTALL_PATH is always exported. There will be only the property keys, the names are left empty and must be added manually.

java -jar myinstaller.jar -options myinstaller.properties

Executes an unattended installation replacing possible user inputs by the property values defined in the file myinstaller.properties. An empty template of the property file can be created for each compiled installer using -options-template.

java -DINSTALL_PATH=/opt/myplace -jar myinstaller.jar -options-system

Executes myinstaller in unattended mode in a UNIX console and forces the main installation path to be set to /opt/myplace.

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