Predefined Conditions

Predefined Conditions

Pre-defined Condition Types

There is a number of built-in conditions which are statically pre-set on launching the installation and which can be only referenced by their ID:

  • izpack.aixinstall
    True if the current OS is (any) IBM AIX.
  • izpack.windowsinstall
    True if the current OS is (any) Windows.
  • izpack.windowsinstall.xp
    True if the current OS is Windows XP.
  • izpack.windowsinstall.2003
    True if the current OS is Windows Server 2003.
  • izpack.windowsinstall.vista
    True if the current OS is Windows Vista.
  • izpack.windowsinstall.7
    True if the current OS is Windows 7.
  • izpack.windowsinstall.8
    True if the current OS is Windows 8.
  • izpack.windowsinstall.10
    True if the current OS is Windows 10.
  • izpack.macinstall
    True if the current OS is Mac OS..
  • izpack.macinstall.osx
    True if the current OS is Mac OS X.
  • izpack.linuxinstall
    True if the current OS is (any) Linux.
  • izpack.solarisinstall
    True if the current OS is (any) Solaris.
  • izpack.solarisinstall.x86
    True if the current OS is (any) Solaris x86.
  • izpack.solarisinstall.sparc
    True if the current OS is (any) Solaris Sparc.
  • izpack.auto.installer
    True if the user is using auto installer mode to install (available since 5.2.2).
  • izpack.console.installer
    True if the user is using console installer mode to install (available since 5.2.2).
  • izpack.gui.installer
    True if the user is using gui installer mode to install (available since 5.2.2).

Further, IzPack automatically sets reserved conditions depending on the packs selected by the user or an unattended installation (auto-install.xml) to be installed:

  • izpack.selected.<packname>

where <packname> is the name attribute of the according pack. If the appropriate pack <pack name="..."> defined in the installation description is selected, the condition validates true. Packs can be selected either in unattended installations by replaying a record of a previous installation (auto-install.xml) or interactively by the user by means of PacksPanel or its derivates, ImgPacksPanel or TreePacksPanel.